Discounts & Vouchers For Members

How Discounts and Vouchers/Coupons Work for AOS Members

Orchid Marketplace Partners agree to provide a minimum of 5% discount on purchases to AOS members subject to the vendors’ unique terms and conditions (for example: not combining with other promotions, applicable only to domestic shipping, online purchases only, etc.)

Two-year members also receive vouchers worth $30 from each Elite marketplace partner on purchases of $100 or more.


When requesting a discount from a partner, you will need to present your AOS membership card or the lookup code on your card in order to validate your membership status and ensure eligibility.

When you are signed into the AOS website, you can view, print, and download your membership card here.

Simply show your card upon in person purchase, email it, or provide the “Lookup Code” found on your card.

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Partners can either scan your QR code or they check your lookup code using the AOS provided member verification process.

Please note that partners generally need to check your lookup code manually (unless otherwise specified), so you may not be able to redeem your discount immediately when ordering online.

Always reach out to partners before redeeming your discount in case they have specific instructions.


Over 20 Orchid Marketplace Elite Partners offer a one-time $30 discount off purchases of $100 or more to two-year AOS members.

It’s always best to check with the partner first to find out their process for redeeming the vouchers. The process can vary depending on whether you are placing your order in person, through the mail, at their nursery, or at a show.

To access your vouchers, sign into the AOS website and click the View / Print Vendor Vouchers/Coupons link in the user menu in the upper-right of the AOS website. Remember, you must be a current two-year member to see this link.

Then select the vendor name / voucher you want to redeem from the dropdown list.

Vouchers expire annually when your Orchid Marketplace partnership is up for renewal or when the member’s membership expires, whichever comes first. The voucher expiration resets once you renew your partnership and the member’s membership has not yet expired, or when you both renew.

Your voucher will look like this:

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If you pull this voucher up on your smartphone, a vendor can easily scan the QR code to quickly redeem your voucher. This is the quickest and most preferred method but physical copies of the voucher will be accepted.

Voucher/coupons are not transferable and the AOS can track where coupons have been duplicated and used more than once. Please do not share coupons with friends. They are not valid for more than one use.