Congratulations! You've been invited to showcase your business and products to well over 250,000 orchid growers in our NEW Orchid Marketplace™ enrollment begins in June.

There has never been a way to reach this many orchid growers this effectively. Take advantage of this unique opportunity before it's gone...

(your invitation cannot be shared - if you found this page, but were not invited, you can contact the AOS at or call (305) 740-2010 to request consideration to be invited.)

This is the promotional video from 2021, but it is still a good overview.

JOIN THE Orchid Marketplace™

ABOUT YOUR Orchid Marketplace™ PROFILE

The Orchid Marketplace™ is where orchid growers discover handselected orchid vendors like you from around the world.

The Orchid Marketplace™ is mobile-friendly and fully searchable (by keyword, product categories, or specialties.)

As a pre-vetted marketplace partner, you get a full profile where you can showcase up to 10 products along with key information about your business, as well as contact details including phone, website, address.

Best of all, you can easily edit your listing as often as you like. So you can change product photos, promote your current or upcoming sale, and more to keep your listing current and valuable.

Vendor profiles are shown in random order to ensure fair and equal exposure based on their level (more info about the two levels below.)

With the Orchid Source Directory being fully depreciated and no longer available, the AOS Orchid Marketplace™ is where you "need" to be - especially considering the heavy promotion explained below...


The Orchid Marketplace™ will be heavily promoted across these marketing channels EVERY MONTH:



orchid growers
by email



monthly visitors to
the AOS website



members of our
Facebook group and IG



via their monthly (and widely read) OrchidGram



with a circulation
of over 11,000

We're driving orchid growers to the marketplace and to your profile!!!

Plus, if you join as an ELITE Marketplace Partner, you'll be able to have your promotional messages
emailed to over 100,000 orchid growers up to 4 times per year!!!

Plus, have your 4 promotions/events/announcements appear in our social channels with an audience of over 250,000.
Elite partnership is the ONLY way to get this additional, highly-valuable exposure.

The value of this exposure cannot be present, you can't buy that level of exposure to your perfect audience...anywhere!

JOIN THE Orchid Marketplace™


Because your business was pre-vetted, you likely already meet our minimum conditions of quality products and service. We don't accept vendors with an F BBB rating for instance.

All Orchid Marketplace™ Partners agree to give AOS Members at least a 5% discount (subject to your specific terms and minimums, etc.)

If you join as an ELITE Marketplace Partner, you also agree to honor a one-time $30 coupon on a purchase of $100 or more for "two-year AOS memberships"

  • * The AOS will be printing and distributing the coupons to AOS members
  • * The coupon will be valid through the member's two-year expiration date

See below for everything you get as an Orchid Marketplace™ Partner...


You can join as a "Marketplace Partner" or an "ELITE Marketplace Partner" here is what each level receives:

Benefit Marketplace Partner ELITE Partner
FULL PROFILE (editable as often as you like)
Multiple Product Categories and Specialties
Up to 10 Product Photos (first two are featured)
Ability to track clicks to your website (using a link)
You and your employees can opt-in to the AOS published speakers list
Inclusion in downloadable Orchid Marketplace™ Directory
Save $500 on Orchids magazine advertising
(up to 50% off your first/next $1,000 in advertising)
Discount for AOS Members
(You agree to provide a minimum of 5% discount subject to your terms.)
See "Some Conditions Apply" above for full details.
$30 Coupon for 2-year AOS Members
(ELITE Marketplace Partners agree to honor a $30 coupon on purchases of $100 or more)
Featured listings with ELITE icon
(Your listing always appears above marketplace partners)
Your promotions included in up to 4 emails to our
100,000+ Orchid DealWire™ recipients each year
Your promotions included in up to 4 posts to our social channels with 250,000+ (and growing fast) community of orchid growers.
(less than $17 to $46 per month - billed annually)
$199 $499
Join Join


More awareness and sales from a targeted audience of orchid growers...

Don't miss out on your chance to be a Founding Orchid Marketplace™ Partner and lock in these introductory rates today.

Remember a new customer is likely to purchase from you again in the future, and it
only takes $17 to $46 more in sales per month to cover your investment.

If you plan to advertise in Orchids Magazine, your listing could be essentially free.

We highly recommend the ELITE Marketplace Partner level, but either level provides a full year of promotion
that you can't get anywhere else. Join today and enjoy this NEW sales channel...

JOIN THE Orchid Marketplace™

Have Questions? see the FAQ's below for quick answers!

Frequently Asked Questions


Click on a question below to revel the answer.

The Orchid Marketplace™ partner program only works with commercial AOS accounts. If you are already signed in as an individual or joint AOS member, please sign out before you try to join as a marketplace partner.

You will create a new commercial account in the checkout process. That commercial account is the one you will use to manage your Orchid Marketplace™ listing and profile as well as add promotions if you are joining as an Elite Marketplace Partner.

That commercial account is the one you will use to manage your Orchid Marketplace listing and profile as well as add promotions if you are joining as an Elite Marketplace Partner.

Note that an account is not the same as a membership – you do not need to create a new membership of any kind.

Also, if you already have a commercial user account, you can use your existing commercial account to join as a partner.

If you aren’t sure if you have a commercial account, or you are having any difficulty signing up – simply give us a call at (305) 740-2010 and we’d be happy to help you right over the phone.


Here is a video walkthrough of the signup process.


Annual signup to be an AOS Marketplace partner happens in June and is by invitation only for the start of the new partner year on July 1st. If you did not receive an invite last June and are interested in becoming a partner next year, please send your inquiry to If you received an invite last year but did not sign up, you are already on our list and will receive an invite next year. All existing partners will receive a reminder to renew again in June.


You don’t need a website to promote your business and products in the Orchid Marketplace. You can add your business details including a description, contact information, and product photos. They can simply call or email to place their orders.

You can optionally link to a social media page if you like, or even Amazon or Etsy pages if you happen to sell your products via 3rd party sites.


Yes, the Orchid Source Directory has been replaced by Orchid Marketplace™.

The Orchid Marketplace™ is a much better solution for getting your business in front of orchid growers.

The Orchid Marketplace™ will be continuously promoted to hundreds of thousands of orchid growers across multiple channels - driving awareness for your business and products.

(you are essentially taking advantage of the 100,000+ visitors we get per month from Google search, our 120,000+ Facebook group members, our 100,000+ email subscribers, our membership base, the Orchids magazine circulation, and more.) Imagine what it would cost you to continuously market to those audiences on your own - if that were even possible.

You can showcase up to 10 products with names/captions and links for each product.

Plus, you can sign in and update your profile and featured products as often as you like.

AOS members are incentivized with discounts to buy from Orchid Marketplace™ vendors (subject to your unique terms), and as an Elite Marketplace Partner, your promotions will go out to over 100,000 email subscribers up to 4 times per year.

There will also be a downloadable directory of marketplace partners and their profiles.


See the Orchid Marketplace™ homepage and click on current listings to see what profiles look like. Parts of the profile are the optional like showcase photos and map


When you sign in to the AOS website, you simply click the user menu in the upper-right of the page and select "My Account" then click "Edit Profile". Finally, click the "Marketplace" tab and you can edit your profile as easy as filling out an online form.

You can even drag-and-drop product photos. Plus, you can add names/captions and links to your photos in addition to indicating the order you want them to appear.

You can edit your profile as often as you like.


Here is a video walkthrough of the profile editing process.


Simply visit the American Orchid Society website at

Click on the user menu in the upper-right corner of the page (that says “Members - Sign In”)

You will be taken to a login form where you can enter your “username” and password, then click “Login”

(note, you should use the Username you created when signing up, NOT your email address)

Once you’ve signed in, you will be taken back to the AOS website.

Click on the user menu again in the upper-right, and a menu will appear where you can click “My Account”

When your account page loads, click the “Edit Profile” link.

Then click on the “Marketplace” tab to edit your Orchid Marketplace™ profile.

If you would like to “see” how this is done, watch the video in the “HOW TO CREATE/UPDATE YOUR PROFILE STEP-BY-STEP” FAQ on this page.


Elite Marketplace Partners can include promotions that will be emailed to our 100,000+ email subscribers up to 4 times per program year. Program year is August 1st to July 31st.

These promotional emails are tentatively scheduled to be sent out each Wednesday that one or more promotions have been submitted by marketplace partners.

It is very easy. Sign into your account, edit profile and send your first promotion.


All Marketplace Partners must provide a minimum 5% discount for AOS members subject to your terms and conditions.

You could provide a greater incentive by having no special terms or condidtions other than requiring they are an active (current) AOS member.

When you edit your profile, there is a space to indicate any special conditions. Example:
"10% discount for AOS members on their FIRST order of $50 or more. We can only ship to the U.S. and Canada at this time."


When you edit your profile you can select one or more product categories (Orchids, Orchid Care, Supplies, ...) as well as one or more orchid specialties (such as Phalaenopsis, Vanda, Species, ...)

If you don't see a product category or specialty that represents your primary products, please let us know and we may be able to add it for you.

Please let us know by emailing or calling (305) 740 - 2010


You can set up a FREE acount here -

This will allow you to create links to your website and product page, then use the links in your Orchid Marketplace™ profile.

When a user clicks one of your links, it sends a signal to to track which link they clicked on and then redirects the user to your destination page (your website, social media profile, product page, etc.)

Your free account allows you to sign in to see how many people have clicked on your links and which links they clicked.


If you already advertise in ORCHIDS, simply let the account manager know how and when you wish to apply your 50% discount and save up to $500 on your first $1000 of advertising. If you have never advertised in ORCHIDS before, now is a great time to start! Contact us here to learn more.


ALL Marketplace partners agree to honor a minimum 5% discount to active AOS members subject to your own terms and conditions (i.e. not combined with other discounts, black out dates, wholesale only, etc.) The AOS will provide programmatic methods to validate active memberships to those vendors who wish to automate such things.

Contact the office for more details.

Elite partners also agree to honor a single $30 coupon for purchase of $100 or more for active AOS members who have joined or renewed for 2 years. The AOS will be distributing the coupons to AOS members. The coupon will be valid through the member's two-year expiration date.


See this page for full details about validating discounts and redeeming coupons.


Orchid DealWire promotions are sent every wednesday (except for national holidays) when one or more partners has scheduled their promotion.

We've heard from several ELITE partners who have sent Orchid DealWire emails to our audience of over 100K orchid growers (including AOS members), and they have all echoed the same sentiment...

Their first Orchid DealWire (of 4 available) quickly paid for their entire ELITE partnership! If you haven't sent an Orchid DealWire yet, we've added features to make it easier than ever.

Simply click the "New Promotion" button in your My Account > Edit Profile > Marketplace Tab to create a new Promotion / Event / Announcement.

Here is what an Orchid DealWire email looks like (PDF.)

Here are instructions for creating an Orchid DealWire (PDF.)


See the Orchid Marketplace Partner Webinar for an overview of how to access and edit your profile, verify AOS members, and more.


Yes, we have a member validation and voucher/coupon usage and tracking API.

If you have a developer, they can use our API documentation to connect your solution with our system.

If you don’t have a developer, please reach out to us and we can provide assistance.

Simply give them the API documentation found in your My Account > Edit Profile > API tab.